
This uplifting chime is tuned to a beautiful five-note scale found throughout the world. This chime features six words of virtue silk-screened on the tubes (Love, Heart, Passion, Cherish, Caring, Encourage), one word on each tube.

Affirmations are used to support and encourage our highest ideals and hopes. When affirmations are repeated, they strengthen our resolve and empower us to turn our dreams into reality. Over time, they can significantly change the way we think, increase self-confidence and reinforce positive habits. May the music of this chime carry this inspirational message to you each time the wind blows, focusing your thoughts and serving as an affirmation of all that you strive for in life.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.

This chime was designed with a removable windcatcher that can be taken to a trophy shop, printer or jeweler to be engraved or silk-screened. Download windcatcher removal instructions here or watch a video here.

Download product hanging suggestions here.

View our Product Care Guide here.

Affirmation Chime - Love

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